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Tinker Bell

"Tinks", aka Tinker Bell, is on the hunt for her perfect kid or adult wanting the safest, uneventful jumping partner, or stalwart trail buddy!


She is 13 yr old 14h Morgan mare. She doesn’t have papers, but she has the brain, kindness and looks to prove she is the breed everyone loves. She is learning training level dressage, jumps around 2’-2’3” courses with ease.

Super about banks, ditches and water. Totes any level rider around like a proper school pony.


Definite kick ride, but can have a quick step in the canter. Will never go faster than the rider wants and if the rider stops riding she will stop moving! Ridden in a rubber snaffle.


Super on the trail alone or with company. Same pony away from home. No hormones, super easy keeper, gets along in a herd and never herd bound. No maintenance, no history of lameness or health issues. Loads, ties and stands with impeccable ground manners.

Asking $7,500

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